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SnapShut™, the oval pocket ashtray, lets smokers be personally responsible for the proper disposal of cigarettes even when we are not near receptacles.

Whether we find ourselves in front of a building, outside a restaurant, in a park or on the beach, we can still enjoy our cigarette and be litter free.  Smokers care about the environment as much as any other citizens and we appreciate having these convenient ashtrays.

Keep America Beautiful supports the use of the pocket ashtray as one solution to reduce cigarette litter. It's a proven solution!

You can click the link HERE to view the video of the portable POCKET ASHTRAY in action. Or to find out more information on CIGARETTE LITTER PREVENTION and to check out the portable POCKET ASHRAY video at the bottom of the page... please CLICK HERE.

Copyright © 2006 Pocket Ashtrays.